Winter activities

Snow-covered mountain peaks and magical winter landscapes

Discover snow-covered Bad Hofgastein in winter and enjoy skiing and winter hiking as well as mulled wine at the Christmas market. Your winter holiday in Bad Hofgastein awaits you!

In der Region Gastein warten auch im Winter Wanderwege auf die Gäste.

Fairytale hikes through glittering snow

The winter wonderland in the Gastein region is right on the doorstep of Aparthotel Lieblingsplatz’l. Whether walks or challenging tours, breathe in the fresh air of the mountain world in winter during your stay with us!

Fun on the slopes with a view

200 prepared ski slopes and 1000 metres of altitude are waiting for you in Gastein as part of the Ski amade ski association. During your winter holiday, you can get directly from the city ski bus stop to the ski slopes and enjoy fun on the pistes in five different ski regions. Whether beginner or professional, freerider, snowboarder or skier – here in the Gastein region you will definitely not get bored!

Im Skigebiet Ski amade stehen bis zu 760 Pistenkilometer zur Verfügung.
Beim Langlaufen gehen auch vierbeinige Begleiter gerne mit.

Popular routes for ski tourers

A feeling of freedom and independence: with a ski tour you spend your winter holiday without a gondola or ski lift. Conquer the winter landscape of the Gastein region on your own or join a guided ski tour. Or would you rather stay in the valley? With a total of seven different cross-country ski trails of varying degrees of difficulty, the region is also worth a holiday for cross-country skiers.

Winter fun off the slopes too – activities in Bad Hofgastein

The winter paradise does not only attract skiing enthusiasts: enjoy the day at the Alpentherme Gastein or listen to the snorting of the horses on a romantic horse-drawn sleigh ride in the evening. For more action, grab your toboggan or ice skates and reminisce about your childhood.

Im Winter organisieren wir gerne auch ein Pferdekutschenfahrt durch den Schnee.

Our apartments

Die Familie sitzt vor der Almhütte (altes Foto).


4 – 6 people, 52 m²

Eine Frau mit langen Haaren genießt den Fahrtwind.

fresh mountain air

4 – 6 people, 52 m²

Blick auf den Ort Bad Hofgastein.

with a view

2 – 4 people, 32 m²

Eine Frau schwimmt in einem kühlen Bergsee.

above the water

2 – 4 people, 32 m²

Eine Blumenwiese im Sonnenschein.

morning sun

2 – 3 people, 31 m²

Jemand pustet die Blüten einer Pusteblume ab.

splendid views

2 – 3 people, 31 m²

We look forward to welcoming you!

Arrive and unwind, and then enjoy your time in the mountains.